DesignSeries00231.pngImporting Revit

Revit files (.rvt or .rfa) created in versions 2011 through 2022 can be imported.

All 2D views (floor plans, ceiling plans, and sheets) import as sheet layers, with the graphics inside the annotation group of an empty viewport.

The 3D model imports as one or more design layers; a design layer is created for each story of a multi-story model.

Revit families import as symbols and associated resources.

For .rfa files, a record is created for the family definition and for every nested family. For .rvt files, a record is created for every family definition.

Straight and round walls are imported as Vectorworks walls, with components, and with wall joins preserved. Non-perpendicular walls and walls with horizontal peaks do not import as walls.

Windows and doors import as custom window and door symbols, and are properly placed in walls.

Floor objects import as slab objects.

Appropriate IFC data is automatically attached to all imported objects.

Importing Revit family files as a batch



Import Revit (Batch)

File > Import

Use the Import Revit (Batch) command to quickly import multiple Revit family (.rfa) files.

To import one or more files:

Select the command.

The Import Revit (Batch) dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.





One or more Revit family (.rfa) files

Imports only one file or only certain files within a folder. Click Choose Files and choose one or more Revit files to import. The number of files selected and their location is displayed.

All Revit family (.rfa) files in folder

Imports all .rfa files from a specified folder. Click Choose Folder and choose the source folder.

Include subfolders

If All Revit family files in folder is selected, includes all .rfa files in all subfolders



Current file

Imports the selected file(s) into the current file as separate resources (textures, symbol definitions, and so on); no objects are created in the drawing

New files in Folder

Converts the selected file(s) into new, separate Vectorworks files in the selected folder. Click Choose Folder to select the location.

Each file created contains resources (textures, symbol definitions, and so on), and objects are created in the drawing. This is the best option when converting many files.

Specify the import information, and click OK.

The progress of the import is displayed for each imported file during import. The final results of the import process display in the RFA Import Result dialog box.

Click Details to open the results log file. The log text file, named Revit Import Log, is placed in the specified destination folder if it exists, or in the Vectorworks user folder. New log information is appended to any existing log file. The report provides a summary of the import, including a list of which files succeeded, and which failed.

Importing a single Revit file



Import Revit

File > Import

To import a single Revit (.rvt) or Revit family (.rfa) file:

Select the command.

Select the file to import.

The RVT/RFA Import Options dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Import Views

Select which views to import: the currently active view only, a 3D model view, or all 2D and 3D views. For 2D views, imported graphics are placed on a sheet layer. For 3D views, graphics are placed on a design layer.

Import Elements


Create Vectorworks Native Objects

Imports Revit objects as Vectorworks objects when possible (walls, doors, and symbols, for example)

Import other Objects as

For objects that cannot be imported as native objects, select which type of geometry to use for the Revit entity objects:

Vectorworks Mesh Objects creates one or more mesh objects (smallest file size, reasonable import time).

Groups of 3D Polygons creates one or more groups of 3D polygons (largest file size, reasonable import time).

Vectorworks Solid Objects creates one or more solid objects, or mesh objects where solids are not possible (reasonable file size, but the process can be very slow and import may take a long time).

Import Textures and Texture Mapping

Imports textures as resources and applies them to the appropriate created objects or components

Specify the import information, and click OK.

The progress of the import is displayed for each imported file during import.

Modo edición de objetos

Edición de objetos de malla


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